Top 5 Herbs to Cure Your Liver

The liver is our biggest internal organ and is one of the most important. It is responsible for cleansing the blood and converting waste products.

The liver also creates bile, so we can digest carbohydrates and fats. But this particular organ can be easily be affected by poor choices when it comes to our diets and lifestyle. Alcohol consumption, use of drugs, and toxins in the environment can adversely distress the liver.

If the liver isn’t functioning properly, our health will suffer. Acute liver dysfunction, such as hepatitis can take place as well as diabetes and cirrhosis. Fortunately, with the right care for the liver, it can be healed or remain healthy with the help of these five herbs:

Milk Thistle

Also known as silymarin, this herb is the most recommended when it comes to any liver ailment. It is also effective in protecting the liver, so that it will be free from daily toxins. This has been clinically proven to enhance functionality of the liver and if there’s liver damage, milk thistle has the ability to repair it.


Another safe herb for the liver is dandelion, which is commonly mixed with milk thistle, especially in capsules. You can drink dandelion tea or buy its extracts. Dandelions are rich in vitamins as well as minerals like iron, zinc, and potassium. For the liver, it stimulates the production of bile, while improving the health of the organ.

Burdock Root

Also made into teas, burdock root is a blood purifier, especially in Ayurveda. Just like dandelion, it stimulates bile flow and is great for people with weakened liver as it restores damaged cells of the organ.


Also known as cynarin, this herb can help in the flow and production of bile. It also prevents the development of gallstones, while dramatically reducing risk for jaundice.


This is probably the most talked about and most studied herb around because of its several benefits. One of which is ability to curb inflammation, including inflammation-related liver ailments. If your aim is to improve your liver’s health, add turmeric to your daily diet. You can also buy curcumin capsules, but make sure they include piperine, which increases absorption of the compound.

Aside from the herbs above, make sure that you eat healthy by upping your vegetable consumption, as well as seeds, fresh fruits, and whole grains. Avoid smoking and drinking too much alcohol. There are some studies that confirm drinking coffee can help cure liver damage.

Source: Healthy Food House

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