These 5 Powerful Home Remedies Help You Get Rid of Joint Pain in a Matter of Days

Joint pain is a common condition with severity ranging from mild to quite severe.

There are a number of factors that contribute to joint pain and these include trauma, heavy lifting, fractures, arthritis, etc. In most cases, joint pain normally occurs with age.

Yet, there are many young people who are also affected with this condition. You should take care and prevent joint pain, but there are also effective folk remedies that can help you relieve this pain.

The following ones are the five most effective joint pain treatments:

Epsom Salt
Epsom salt has long been used for treating joint pain, due to the high magnesium content. Simply add half a cup of Epsom salt to a large bowl of warm water, mix well and soak your sore joints in the liquid.

Another way to obtain good results is to have a bath with Epsom salt, or you can soak the painful joints in a tub of warm water to which you have previously added 2 cups of Epsom salt.

Turmeric and Ginger Tea
Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant which successfully reduces the levels of enzymes that cause swelling. Turmeric and ginger are abundant in anti-inflammatory properties, which are highly useful for relieving arthritic and joint pain.

This spicy tea that will help you relieve joint pain is prepared in the following way:

Add half a teaspoon of each spice – ground ginger and ground turmeric in 2 cups of boiled water.
Simmer on low heat for around 10-15 minutes, strain and add honey.
Drink this beneficial tea twice a day until the pain starts to decline.

Due to the sulfur it contains, onion is another vegetable with powerful anti-inflammatory properties. According to one study, onions have morphine-like analgesic effects on joint pain, so note that you should include onions in your daily menu.

Fenugreek is a powerful anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory, which can alleviate joint and arthritic pain due to its strong medicinal properties.

It is simple and easy, you need to take a teaspoon of finely ground fenugreek seeds, and swallow it with a glass of lukewarm water.

You should take this every morning until you feel the first results.

Optionally, you can soak a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in water and leave them overnight. Drink them the following morning.

Carrots are highly beneficial for revitalizing ligaments and easing joint pain. Chinese medicine has been using this vegetable in joint pain treatments for centuries.

In order to eliminate joint pain, grate one carrot in a bowl, squeeze some lemon juice in it and mix it. Have it raw or steamed.

You can expect the pain to be alleviated in a few days.

Source: Health Advisor Group

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