From Plates to Your Face: Snails For Perfect Skin

A new trend is fast becoming popular in France and it has something to do with their all time favorite mollusk, and this time they’re keeping the creature alive.

Louis-Marie Guedon claims that the snail French love to have as part of their main course secrets mucus that is rich in collagen, glycolic acid, antibiotics and other compounds that regenerate skin cells and can therefore be used for a modern skin regimen. Snail mucus is also said to be able to make healing of wounds and cuts a lot faster.

Guedon believes that the discovery could revolutionize the cosmetic industry and it may be premature to say but judging from people’s reaction, he might be right.

He is currently busy developing the concept and is in the process of developing France’s first industrial-scale snail mucus extraction operation. He wants to harvest 15 tons of mucus.

“I’ve already been producing the slime for three years, but manually,” Guedon, 47, who has been in the snail business for 50 years and is regarded by the country as its snail expert, said. He has been featured in several publications both local and international.

He is currently in partnership with local cosmetics labs in Paris.

“This client has already ordered three tons of slime,” Guedon said.

Guedon said his process doesn’t involve harming the snails so they can continue to produce the needed mucus throughout their life. The business is already financed by French government and the European Union.

Snail mucus is already on sale in a few areas in both Asia and South America so Guedon’s invention is nothing new. It is however a new thing to the entirety of Europe.

Source: Steth News

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