How to Grow a Constant Supply of Organic Food in the Tiniest Amount of Space

Home gardening is becoming one of the most popular activities nowadays. In the pursuit of evading GMO fruits and vegetables, many people have started to grow their own organic food. Fresh grown fruits and vegetables taste better and are a lot cheaper than the organic ones you can buy in grocery stores.

However, not a lot of people have the necessary requirements to grow the plants. One of those requirements is having space to grow your organic food.

But, not to worry, in this article, we will show you an alternative growing method. A method that takes less space and brings more benefits.

Vertical Organic Garden

Growing vertically increases your yield per square foot because you can fit more plants into the organic garden. Vertical Gardening is designed in order to fit more plants into smaller space by literally stacking planter boxes on top of one another vertically. This method has a whole lot of advantages over traditional types of gardening. One of the biggest advantages is that it does not require anywhere near the space and it cuts down on so much of the daily upkeep.

Below you can see a couple of examples of what and where to grow.

  • Stake – Can be used as support to grow beans, tomatoes, peas, nasturtium etc.
  • Cage – Can be used as support to grow tomatoes, peas, peppers etc.
  • Tripod – Can be used as support to grow tomatoes, peas, peppers, hops, nasturtium etc.
  • Teepee – Can be used as support to grow peas, pole beans, hops, nasturtium etc.
  • A-frame – Can be used as support to grow tomatoes, cucumbers, pole beans, hops, nasturtium etc.
  • Flat trellis – Can be used as support to grow beans, peas, hops, small melons, cucumbers etc.
  • Fence trellis – Can be used as support to grow tomatoes, peas, grapes, small melons, cucumbers etc.
  • Arbor – Can be used as support to grow grapes, small melons, hops, nasturtium  etc.

Source: Healthy Tips World

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