5 Natural Treatments For Body Odor

Strong is not always good, especially when it comes to body odor. It is an embarrassing problem that only a few can find the courage to talk about. This is why we wrote this feature.

There are a number of chemical-based sprays and may help control body odor but most of them do not treat the underlying cause. They simply mask the smell. You will have to reapply them over and over again. So if you want to really solve the problem you will have to opt for a treatment, not just temporary solution.

Remember each person’s body odor mechanism may be different as there are a number of factors that contribute to it: diet, genetics, habits etc. What we listed here are some of the most effective natural treatments for the general population.

1. Natural, aluminum-free deodorants

Are you surprised to see this on top of our list? Don’t be. Different herbal and crystal deodorants from natural ingredients are effective and yes, they do exist. Argonne National Laboratory scientists warned about the lack of government regulations over use of these natural products. However many of these products list what they are made of. So it’s up to check them out. If it doesn’t list what it’s made of, then stay away. But remember organic products are usually the best choice.

Now why aluminum-free? Many deodorants contain aluminum to halt the activity of your sweat glands, but unfortunately aluminum is suspected to accumulate in the nervous system and may actually lead to Alzheimer’s disease. A recent study explaining that may still be inconclusive but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Some antiperspirants also block your armpit from sweating. That is unnatural and dangerous at the same time. Sweating allows you to remove toxins; the problem you want to solve is the smell.

2. Eat more green and take green

Vegetables – they make most of your secretions smell good, including your sweat. Take wheat grass or chlorophyll supplement also as part of your daily routine and feel or rather smell the immediate difference. Columbia University’s Health Services gave these big thumbs up as they act as natural deodorizers and can help keep you smelling and looking great at the same time.

3. Natural sterilizer

What are natural sterilizers? These are basically essential oils and other substances made by nature that has a natural cleaning and antiseptic effect. They kill of harmful and often smelly bacteria. Those that thrive in your armpits included. Wipe your underarms and other smelly areas with tea tree oil or witch hazel. Columbia University’s Health Services reported that the practice changes your skin’s pH, giving bacteria a hard time living in it.

4. Review your diet and general gut health

Most of the people who complain about their own body odor have digestion and other gut problems. Food substances that you do not digest completely due to enzyme deficiencies or other digestive problems often give your sweat that extra stink. The solution? Have your gut checked and take probiotic supplement to help improve the quality of your intestinal flora. Include enzyme-rich foods on your diet too, think of pineapple and papaya.

5. Wash regularly

This may be a no brainer but that doesn’t mean it’s not important nor there is no need to remind people about it. Taking a bath at least once a day can help prevent bacteria thriving on your skin, especially the armpits. We recommended washing areas like feet, knee pits (poplit) and armpits regularly. Keep them clean and bacteria won’t have a chance.

Source: Healthy Life Vision

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