5 Herbs That Can Instantly Lower Blood Pressure

Lowering your blood pressure is vital to ensure a healthier life. A high blood pressure after all can lead to a number of complications including increased risk of heart attack, kidney disease, vision problems, heart failure, stroke and many others – all we guarantee that you don’t want to have.

Getting medication to prevent heart attack, kidney disease, vision problems, and heart failure might work, but as they say prevention is always better than cure so here we list some of the herbs that can lower blood pressure.

Just add these herbs in your diet (or drink) and enjoy the benefits of lower blood pressure. These herbs can be a part of your DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet and safe since they are organic and all natural.


It’s common and a regular ingredient in food but some people remove it from their plates upon spotting it. Don’t. Ingest it and you will enjoy lower blood pressure. Clinical studies by Clinical Research Center of New Orleans revealed that garlic contains allicin, a substance that can reduce onset of hypertension. Powered garlic works just as well.


Onions are rich in antioxidant flavonol and quercetin. A test revealed that people who eat onions regularly have reduced diastolic and systolic pressures. This means that the heart do less work and therefore experiences lesser stress.


We’ve featured this herb in the past and there’s no stopping us since cinnamon can really do wonders. It can lower blood pressure and even fight onset of diabetes. A study conducted recently revealed that subjects who drink water infused with cinnamon have lower blood sugar levels.


The leaves of this small plant contains viable amount of carvacrol that can significantly reduce arterial pressure, diastolic and systolic pressures and the heart rate similar to onions.


Olive oil, that thing that makes your pasta and salad extra delicious can lower your blood pressure. Yes it is oil, but it’s a good variant. It is a regular part of the Mediterranean diet and could be the reason why people in the area reportedly have healthy blood pressure. The fruit itself can also do the same thing.

These herbs act fast and can be taken regularly. Try including them in your regular diet and feel the difference. Not only it can improve the taste of your meal but it can also improve your health.

Source: Steth News

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