Make Your Own Natural Insect Repellent With This Simple Recipe

Most people find bugs really annoying and disgusting, and sometimes, even intimidating. Therefore, you should always keep an insect repellent at hand at home.

It is best to avoid the over-the-counter products as they may actually harm your health due to the dangerous ingredients they include.

Luckily, there is a way to prepare your homemade natural insect repellent, which would not endanger your health, and at the same time, will provide powerful effects and eliminate the pesky bugs from your home.

This recipe includes various ingredients which may also be used in the preparation of tile scrubs, fabric softeners, laundry detergent, or all-purpose cleaner.

And this is how to create the most effective natural insect repellent:


  • 10 drops of Lavender
  • 10-12 drops of Citronella
  • 1-15 oz. bottle of witch hazel
  • 10-12 drops of Lemongrass
  • 10-12 drops of Eucalyptus


You should divide the witch hazel in two small bottles, and you will use one for inside your home, and one for outside. You can fill them almost to the top.

Then, add all of the other oils to the bottles, close them, and shake them well in order to mix them. You should also shake the bottle every time you intend to use it.

This insect repellent has a fantastic smell, so your home will smell wonderful whenever you spray it. What’s more, you will know that it is completely free of the boring bugs, especially mosquitos!

The smell of this homemade product is one of its most important advantages. Namely, all purchased products have unpleasant aroma, while spraying this one will make the entire home smell excellent!

Moreover, the bug spray will not feel sticky on the skin, so you can wear it all the time, and you will not experience that icky feeling you get in the case of other insect repellents.

As we stated, it is also of crucial importance that it is chemical-free, meaning that it does not harm our health and cannot cause any adverse effects to our health, nor environment. Hence, do not hesitate to give it a try!

Source: The Hearty Soul

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